Middlesex County is a county located in the south-central part of Connecticut and covers an area of approximately 386 square miles. It is home to 15 towns and cities. According to the United States Census Bureau's population estimates as of 2021, the population of Middlesex County is approximately 159,883.
Middlesex County is home to several state parks and forests, including the popular Chatfield Hollow State Park.
The largest city in the county is Middletown, which serves as the county seat. Middletown is home to Wesleyan University, a prestigious liberal arts college founded in 1831. The town of Essex is known for its picturesque Main Street.
Around a third of households (33%) in Middlesex County use fuel oil according to the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey data from 2019 and we are glad to have a good list of competitive quotes for Middlesex.